Monday, April 13, 2009

Charity Progress

I challenge you to come along on Saturday 18th July at midnight in Haywards Heath West Sussex to join in the sleepwalk!!!!

Team IRRV has entered to raise money for my charity St Peter and St James Hospice in Wivelsfield. The walk is for ladies only (but chaps you can come along and be stewards - or join in the men only event that will take place simultaneously in Burgess Hill - involving football !!!! - more info on this in due course, as it gets finalised) .

Ladies – it is a 10k walk round the streets of HH, you have to wear walking footwear (ie trainers not fluffy slippers) but otherwise it is nightwear (some of you may need to buy something for the occasion!!). Be as outrageous as you like!

As this is an official walk, not solely an IRRV event, you need to enter on the St Peter and St James webpage if you want to walk:

PLEASE MARK YOUR ENTRY TEAM NAME IRRV so that we know how much we have raised as a team.

If Haywards Heath in July is just not much of a pull, nor is the idea of walking around the town in your nightie, or you are a fella! Please consider sponsoring me instead…. I have set up a just giving page where you can donate quickly and securely on line and the money goes straight to the hospice.

This is the link :

Many thanks for your support, please let me know if you are coming down to take part, and thank you so much if you can sponsor me, £5 or £50 is all for a worthwhile charity and means so much to those who need hospice care.

Thank you for caring
