Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hola pur Espana

I am writing this blog update from the General Council of The European Group of Valuers Associations (TEGoVA) Spring meeting in Seville. The IRRV is a member of TEGoVA and the Chairman is the Institute Council’s own Roger Messenger.

Then reason for my attendance at the meeting was to receive the accreditation of the Institute to award the Recognised European Valuer status. The IRRV is the only Institute in the UK to have received this accreditation and we are pleased to be able to offer this international standard to qualifying valuers to give them a Europe wide recognised practicing standard.

The Seville trip was three days of meetings (Thursday – Saturday) and there was a banquet on the second night where we wandered the streets of Seville to find the Pallacio Libjia where the banquet was held. Amusingly our own provision was held up temporarily by a procession of children who were having their Holy Week celebrations. Now, of course, Holy Week in the Christian Church is held the week before Easter, but in Spain (corresponding with the week of the ascension) the school children have their own processions. These processions include the carrying of large platforms that need about 8 teenagers to stand beneath and raise them high above the crowd as the process. The platforms contain effigies of the Virgin Mary or symbols such as the Cross. Behind these “platforms” march bands or simply hoards of children. It was a little bizarre as, once you clear one of these processions, you come upon another one!

Chairman Roger Messenger, having complained that there was no marmalade to be found for breakfast (and after all this is Seville), was duly presented with three jars by the Leandro from the Spanish delegation at the banquet dinner!!

Prior to going to Seville I had a couple of days visiting different parts of the UK to continue with attending AGMs. Thursday last week I was back in Southport for the Lancashire and Cheshire AGM, this was a well attended meeting which saw Linda Price become President of the Association for the second time taking over from Claire Jenkins. Following the meeting we had a delightful lunch where we were joined by some former members and partners of members. It was a lovely luncheon after which I drove to North Wales for an overnight stay before the North Wales AGM. The hotel was absolutely charming and is winning the stakes of the Presidential year for best local hotel. If you find yourself in St Asaph I cannot recommend the Tarlady Hotel highly enough.

The meeting itself saw me able to carry out one of the most pleasurable of duties for a President when attending the local associations, that of presenting a certificate of service to long serving member of the Association Colin Bailey. Colin had stood down the previous year as Treasurer after many years service to the committee. Being able to honour the support that many local members give at a local level is a source of great pride to both the Institute and myself personally. I do urge you to please put in to Council for recognition of these long serving “unsung heroes” of the Institute. We want to honour them - however if you don’t tell us who they are it is not possible.

Tuesday saw a meeting at Doughty Street to help firm up the new diploma qualification framework and syllabus. I am pleased to say progress was made and we remain on track to deliver this new qualification this autumn.

Wednesday lunchtime was the turn of the Benefit Faculty Board to meet by teleconference. The meeting agreed to take forward the research projects previously identified and noted the progress on gathering the background and existing material that is available in the public domain. The board also noted that following a review of co-options two new co-optees would be joining the board from the July meeting.

That is about it bringing you up to date. I should get home Sunday evening and can relax on the bank holiday before it is back to work on Tuesday. Before my next blog update the IRRV June exams will have taken place. I want to wish all of you (and my teenager at home - Matt - doing his A levels this summer, already under way) the very best of luck, I know that come August we will have some great results for all of you!

Until next update, take care!