Saturday, December 6, 2008

Very tartan fortnight!

Well what a busy and very tartan two weeks it has been.

Last week I was in the office until Thursday lunchtime and then I was off to Gatwick to fly to Glasgow for the Scottish Traditional Chinese karaoke evening in Dumfries (yep, you did read that right!). We had a brilliant evening, the Chinese was second to none, but the karaoke…. Well, I can’t sing at all, but before the end of the evening Hillary Kelly had lead the challenge with “Sweet Caroline” and I had responded with “You don’t have to say you love me” and even duetted with past president Allan Traynor on my favourite ever song “The Summer of 69”. However we were all upstaged by Bob Mackay's performance of the donkey song, don’t ask me ask him.

The following morning we went off to the forum meeting which saw the Chairman (Allan Traynor) and Reporter (Mike Peterson) both of many years, stepping down from the posts. Allan has moved to the Midlands and Mike to a different role at City of Edinburgh Council. The Association recognised their past commitment and presented them with a gift of thanks. I also addressed the meeting and spoke of the work being carried out on the education strategy. After a few questions we had to leave in order to make our way home at a decent time. David was driving and we dropped Allan off on the way. We were able to get lots of work done as I had my laptop with me and although you may think that the President and the Chief Exec spend a lot of time together, it really is snatched time and this was a great chance to spend 4 hours working, discussing strategy and firing off emails. David dropped me at Didcot Parkway at 5.30 and I still didn’t get home until 8.30 but it was still an excellent use of the day. I got home to an empty house as hubby and youngest were out playing badminton, charming home coming, I had to make my own dinner!!!!

This week was Scottish Benefit Conference and Colin and I flew on Tuesday afternoon to Edinburgh and then on to a very cold and white Crieff, meeting up with Allan Traynor and his partner Dee at the airport. Allan is the most superior sat nav that I have encountered to date, getting us to Crieff in record time. The conference had an excellent mix of DWP officers, auditors, fraud experts and LA benefit practitioners. It was my privilege to open the conference and make a few observations as to the challenges facing benefits especially in the current economic climate.

I am on record saying that the Scottish Benefits Conference is my favourite of the Institute's annual events. This year did not disappoint at all and I maintain that it is the “kick off” to Christmas with great fun on the Wednesday night as we danced the night away to the disco. It was yet another late night and I was chairing all day on the Thursday so I had to be up and awake for the 9.30 start, no problem as I slept like a log and was up in plenty of time. It must be said that so were the delegates and I do pay them tribute as they never fail to amaze me with their dedication to this particular conference, and despite the bad weather warnings and more snow over night, almost everyone stayed to the end.

The snow did stay away in the morning and we were able to leave and get back to Edinburgh in good time.

Friday was my day off (I work a 9 day fortnight) but I still had a teleconference with David and Kevin Stewart, however proving my multi tasking abilities during the phone call I put the shopping away and did the polishing during the span of the phone call. Hoorah for cordless phones!

I have been off to the Christmas food and drink fare at Ardingly this weekend and am pleased to report that I have just about finished my Christmas shopping, all a bit manic, but with these clod and frosty mornings I certainly feel in the mood this year, how does the song go… “It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas….”

Until next time, take care …